Friday 23 December 2016

Timeless Design

  • Timeless design means staying beautiful, useful, productive and fashionable as time passes.
  • Design which will last until the end of the product’s life.
  • When the forces of environment deliver the fatal blow that breaks it past the point of repair, but all the while, the product will remain serviceable and wanted, not merely because it is badly needed or is irreplaceable, but because its existence makes our world richer in some way, be it large or small.

When we said a design is Timeless Design?

  • Design should be long lasting.
  • Design should be attractable.
  • Design must and should be innovative.
  • Design should be useful.
  • Design should be honest.
  • Design should be looking beautiful.
  • Design should be understandable.
  • Design should be little design as possible.

What makes design Timeless?

  • Classical proportions : Design should follow the Golden Ratio.
  • Simplicity : Simple lines and open floor plans are pleasing and create a functional space. Less-is-more becomes elegant.
  • Durability : Good material choices last for decades or centuries.
  • Adaptability : Timeless design can be updated without sacrificing the original intent. Homes can be renovated for Universal Design and additions easily created with the same proportions.
  • Little Design : Less, but better, because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.

Advantages of Timeless Design

  • Biggest advantage of timeless design is no need to change every time.
  • Timeless design is environmentally friendly
  • Long lasting.
  • Fashionable even time passes.


Timeless Design in web
Apple speakers

Mies Van der rohe chair

Herman Miller chair

My notes

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