Saturday 24 December 2016

Sample File Lookup

  • Sample File Lookup is nothing but how we are grouping the files category wise and how we arrange them.
  • We can grouping and arrange the files in different way.
  • Files are can be arrange in alphabetical order, date wise, size wise etc. Which will help us to find them easily.
  • You can arrange them ascending and descending order.
  • To arrange alphabetically Right Click on empty area.
  • Then click Sort by then select the bullet Name and order.

  • We can also know the files inside the folder without opening them, keeping the thumbnails of the folders.

  • If we want to know the file size or date of creation or extra details about it we can choose Details options.

  • We can also group the files with Name, Type, etc.
  • To group the files click on Group by.

My notes

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