Saturday 24 December 2016

Pi and its importance in design?

  • The number π is a mathematical constant, it is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
  • π(pi) = 3.14159265...
  • π is the 16th number letter of Greek letters.
  • Being an irrational number, π cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction, still 22/7 and other rational number are commonly used to approximate π.

  • First proposed the idea that the number pi might have been intentionally incorporated into the design by John Taylor. It was first applied in the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza.


  • Pi is used by mathematicians in geometry, vector calculus etc.
  • To describe physical phenomena.
  • Pi is used by designer.
  • Biochemists use Pi to understand the structure and functions of DNA in arrival and human bodies.

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