Friday 23 December 2016

What is CODEC?

  • CODEC is a device or computer program for encoding or decoding.
  • CODEC program is used for compression (reduces the number of bytes consumed by the file) and decompression (reset all the removed pixels / bits).
  • CODEC device is used for the converting the analog signal / video to digital signal / video and vice-versa.
  • CODEC's are used in videoconferencing, streaming media, and video editing applications.

Why Do We Need CODEC's?

  • Because audio and video files are larger in size and it will take to much time to transfer and downloading from one place to the another place.
  • CODEC'S will helped to speed up the transfer and downloading a file with less time.
  • It also used for minimized the storage space.

Types of CODEC's

1. Lossy CODEC's
  • Lossy CODEC'S are used to compress the file by removing the unwanted spaces and redundant data.
  • In Lossy CODEC's reduce the quality of data (Visually,audible or both) / video during the compression.
  • This will mainly used when we transfer the files through mail.

2.Lossless CODEC's
  • Lossless CODEC used for archiving data in a compressed form while retaining all information present in the original stream.
  • It will not loss the clarity of data.
  • Lossless CODEC's are used where the Quality of data is important than size of a file.
  • Every single bit or pixel of a file remains same after decompressing.

My notes

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