Traditionally, only the United States Postal Service (USPS) has been permitted to deliver to a P.O. Box.
The Delivery Address Line and the Last Line of addresses output to the mail piece should be complete, standardized, and validated with the ZIP+4 file and City State file, respectively.
The Postal Service defines a complete address as one that has all the address elements necessary to allow an exact match with the current Postal Service ZIP+4 and City State files to obtain the finest level of ZIP+4 and delivery point codes for the delivery address.
Format all lines of the address with a uniform left margin. Uppercase letters are preferred on all lines of the address block.
It is recommended that delivery address information be stored in a minimum of 30 bytes or spaces in your computer system.
The optimum recommendation is 64 bytes or spaces to be compatible with the Postal Service National ZIP+4 database.
Delivery address line
The Delivery Address Line, as matched against the ZIP+4 file, must be broken down into its individual components on the mailpiece with one space between address elements.
These components are the primary address number, predirectional, street name, suffix, postdirectional, secondary address identifier, and secondary address.
Secondary address unit designators, such as APARTMENT or SUITE, are required to be printed on the mailpiece for address locations containing secondary unit designators.
City names
It is strongly recommended that addresses use only approved Last Line (city) names as described in the Postal Service City State file currently in effect.
For a complete and standardized address, abbreviations for city or state names must be shown in the Postal Service City State file.
Spell city names in their entirety. When abbreviations must be used due to labeling constraints, use only the approved 13–character abbreviations provided in the City State file.
When applying a ZIP+4 Code to a rural address, an exact match is preferred.
If a box number is included in the address, the mailpiece must bear the appropriate ZIP+4 Code representing the range for that box number. When box number information is not available, the Rural Route base record must be used.
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