Wednesday 23 November 2016

How to change a LAN crimp end?

Step 1
  • We have to purchase a cable and a RJ-45 connector.

Step 2
  • Most ethernet cable is sold on spools of varying lengths, so we have to measure and cut the amount needed.

  • Strip 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of the outer skin at the end of the cable wire by making a shallow cut in the skin with a utility knife. There will be 4 pairs of twisted wires exposed, each of them a different color or color combination.

Step 4
  • Fold each pair of wires backwards to expose the core of the cable.

Step 5
  • Cut off the core and discard.

Step 6
  • Straighten the twisted wires using 2 pair of tweezers.

Step 7
  • Arrange the untwisted wires in a row, placing them into the position, running from right to left, where the blue wire should be in middle of green and green-white.

Step 8
  • Trim the untwisted wires to a suitable length by holding the RJ-45 connector next to the wires.

Step 9
  • Insert the wires into the RJ-45 connector, making sure that they stay aligned and each color goes into its appropriate channel.

Step 10
  • Use the crimping tool to crimp the RJ-45 connector to the cable by pressing the jacket and cable into the connector so that the wedge at the bottom of the connector is pressed into the jacket.

Step 11
  • Use a cable tester to assure that your cable is working properly when both ends are crimped.

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