Sunday 27 November 2016


  • Dir display a list of a directory's files and sub directories.
  • Dir display the disk's volume label and serial number followed by a list of directories and files on the disk with name, date and time each was last modified.
  • For files dir displays the name extension and the size in bytes.
  • It also displays the total number of files and directories listed, their size and the free space remaining on the disk.


Dir [Drive:][Path] [FileName] [/p] [/q] [/w] [/d] [/a[[:]Attributes]] [/o[:]SortOrder]] [/t[[:]TimeField]] [/s] [/b] [/l] [/n] [/x] [/c] [/4]
  • Specifies the drive and directory for which you want to see a listing.
  • Specifies a particular file or group of files for which you want to see a listing.
  • You can use multiple filenames. Separate file names with spaces, commas or semicolons.
  • You can use wildcard characters (? and *) in FileName to display a group of files or directories.

  • Displays one screen of the listing at a time. To see the next screen, press any key on the keyboard.
  • Display the ownership information.
  • Display the listing in wide format.
  • Same as /w but files are sorted as column.

/a [[:] Attributes]
  • Displays only the names of those directories and files with the attributes you specify.
  • If you omit /a, dir displays the names of all files except hidden and system files.
  • If you use /a without specifying attributes, dir displays the names of all files, including hidden and system files.
  • If you use /a with more than one value in attributes, dir displays the names of only those files with all the specified attributes.
Value Description
hHidden files
sSystem files
d Directories
a Files ready for archiving
rRead-only files
-h Files that are not hidden
-s Files other than system files
-dFiles only (not directories)
-a Files that have not changed since the last backup
-rFiles that are not read-only

/o [[:]SortOrder]
  • Controls the order in which dir sorts and displays directory names and file names.
  • If you omit /o, dir displays the names in the order in which they occur in the directory.
  • If you use /o without specifying SortOrder, dir displays the names of the directories and then displays the names of files sorted in alphabetic order.
Sort order
Value Description
n In alphabetic order by name
e In alphabetic order by extension
d By date and time, earliest first
s By size, smallest first
g With directories grouped before files
-n In reverse alphabetic order by name (Z through A)
-e In reverse alphabetic order by extension (.ZZZ through .AAA)
-dBy date and time, latest first
-sBy size, largest first
-g With directories grouped after files

/t [[:]TimeField]
  • Specifies which time field to display or use for sorting.
  • The following list describes each of the values you can use for TimeField.
Value Description
c It will display according to creation time or date
a Display according to last access
w According to last written

  • Lists every occurrence, in the specified directory and all sub directories, of the specified file name.
  • Lists each directory name or file name, one per line, including the file name extension.
  • /b does not display heading information or a summary, /b overrides /w.
  • Displays unsorted directory names and file names in lowercase.
  • /l does not convert extended characters to lowercase.
  • Displays a long list format with file names on the far right of the screen.
  • Displays the short names generated for files on NTFS and FAT volumes.
  • The display is the same as the display for /n, but short names are displayed after the long name.
  • Displays the thousand separator in file sizes.
  • Displays four-digit year format.
  • Displays help at the command prompt.

Using command redirection operator

  • Redirection operators are used to redirect command input and output streams from the default locations to different locations.
Value Description
> Writes the command output to a file or a device, such as a printer, instead of the Command Prompt window.
< Reads the command input from a file, instead of reading input from the keyboard.
>> Appends the command output to the end of a file without deleting the information that is already in the file.
>& Writes the output from one handle to the input of another handle.
<& Reads the input from one handle and writes it to the output of another handle.
| Reads the output from one command and writes it to the input of another command. Also known as a pipe.

My notes

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